Friday, April 14, 2006

Navigating the shoals

Hacker and Pierson discuss the difficulty of being a moderate in a world where party discipline matters. Today's Washington Post discusses the predicament Senator Lincoln Chaffee (R-RI) finds himself in -- being a moderate Republican in a more liberal state:

A Republican on the Edge
Chafee's Defections Loom Large in Senate Race

By Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 14, 2006; A01


The GOP senator had appeared the previous night before the Scituate Republican Town Committee to seek the endorsement of the small but influential group. In his halting, soft-spoken way, Chafee defended his opposition to the war in Iraq, domestic wiretapping and the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. as the principled positions of an old-school conservative.

Chafee, 53, once could count on voters in Rhode Island to tolerate his maverick ways, but this time the response was blank stares. "Nobody listened to my reasoning," Chafee recounted as he piled hay into a wheelbarrow. "They support the president on everything."

Few paths to victory are more convoluted than the one Chafee must travel to win election to a second term this year in this strongly Democratic state. Chafee will face Cranston Mayor Stephen Laffey, a conservative, in the Sept. 12 GOP primary, and he must convince voters that he is "Republican enough," despite his numerous defections from the party and President Bush. If he survives the primary, Chafee then must hope that he can hold the Republican vote while wooing moderate Democrats and independents to stave off what is sure to be a strong Democratic challenge.


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