Thursday, April 06, 2006


Parties work hard to attact and mobilize voters. Our powerpoint on congressional functions discussed the role of wedge-islation. From The Hill, April 5, 2006:

Senate Dems to pursue new strategy on abortion
By Alexander Bolton

The Senate Democratic leadership says it has found a wedge issue to strengthen the party’s position on abortion rights, which top strategists think has become a liability in recent years.

The wedge is legislation expanding access to contraceptives and sex education, which polls show a majority of Americans support but which Democrats are betting will be difficult for social conservatives in the Republican base to accept.

Democratic strategists say the time is right for action because women who support abortion rights but are not politically engaged are alarmed by the confirmation of Samuel Alito as Sandra Day O’Connor’s replacement on the Supreme Court and by the passage of legislation strictly curbing the availability of abortion.


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