Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Update II for Friday's exam

Questions 4 and 5 need some clarification.

4. In answering the question, ‘Why did we split with England and form the Government that we did?,’ we identified two main factors.

Actually, in class and in the text the issue is more accurately asked: what are the two major influences on the colonists when the arrived in Philadelphia in 1787?

The rest of question 2 is fine.

5. Were the Articles of Confederation an aberration, or are they consistent with the other founding documents written between 1776 and 1791? (To answer this, consider my claim, “Four Documents, one theme”) What were major problems under the Articles of Confederation? How were these concerns addressed in the Constitution? What do I mean by the claim, “Four Documents, one theme”? (what documents? what is the theme? how do the documents illustrate the theme?)

Clearly a mistake here, and also a question we did not cover: so replace 5 as written with this:

5. Were the Articles of Confederation an aberration, or are they consistent with the other founding documents? What were major problems under the Articles of Confederation? How were these concerns addressed in the Constitution?

This is more in line with what we discussed, and what we have read about.


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